
2019年10月27日—Dudeperfectisagroupofentertainers.Dude=isslangforapersonusuallymale.Perfect=meanssomethingthatisfreeofflaws,ThistitleexploresthelifeandcareerofDudePerfect.Learnaboutthegroup'schildhoods,families,andcareers,includinghowtheygottheirstarton ...,dudeperfect中文翻譯頻道.@dudeperfect3616‧5subscribers‧.dudeperfect的非官方中文翻譯頻道.Subscribe.Home.Search.Thischanneldoesn'thaveanyconte...

"Dude perfect "是什麼意思?

2019年10月27日 — Dude perfect is a group of entertainers. Dude=is slang for a person usually male. Perfect= means something that is free of flaws

Dude Perfect

This title explores the life and career of Dude Perfect. Learn about the group's childhoods, families, and careers, including how they got their start on ...

dude perfect中文翻譯頻道

dude perfect中文翻譯頻道. @dudeperfect3616‧5 subscribers‧. dude perfect的非官方中文翻譯頻道. Subscribe. Home. Search. This channel doesn't have any content.

火箭大戰2 (Model Rocket Battle 2 | Dude Perfect)

2021年1月14日 — Dude Perfect. 60.1M subscribers. Model Rocket ... 火箭大戰2 (Model Rocket Battle 2 | Dude Perfect) ... 455. 中文 B1 中級 · 宇宙邊緣之旅(英文標題 ...

納夫弓詭計射擊花花公子完美無缺(Nerf Bow Trick Shots

2021年1月13日 — 納夫弓詭計射擊花花公子完美無缺(Nerf Bow Trick Shots | Dude Perfect) ... 完美的; 精; 完美; 完善; v ... 中文 B2 中高級 · 誠實的預告片- 權力的遊戲 ...